Type Specimens

Metal Type Specimen Book

The Composing Room Metal Type Specimen Book completed in 1964, highlights the selections of type offered by one of the premier type shops of the mid-century. Special binding made pages flexible, allowing for additions to type offerings and removal for specifying and comping.

One Line Specimen Booklet

A one line specimen book for the Composing Room, 1965. This booklet highlights the available typefaces set in their respective typeface.

Typefaces One Line Specimen
Typefaces / One Line Specimen / The Composing Room 1965
Typefaces / One Line Specimen / The Composing Room 1965
Film Typography | Promotional Booklet

A booklet of film typography offerings and craftmanship at Graphic Arts Typographers, 1967.

See Us Set Type / Graphic Arts Typographers 1967
See Us Set Type / Graphic Arts Typographers 1967
Now New | Type Specimen Announcement

Announcement of the availability of Light Line Gothic at the Composing Room, 1964

Now New / The Composing Room 1964
Now New / The Composing Room 1964

"Typography is more than a tool in the hands of a sensitive designer....its an art form."